
Our week-long Americana adventure! (In reverse chronological order)

Sorry this is the only way we are able to use free wifi at the mall to connect photos to a computer and upload them from Spain! After June 15th, when we return to the states, we will be able to fix up the pictures and add wedding photos! Come back for more next week!!! (Photos are in reverse chronological order, so start at the bottom of this post and read up!)

Almost unbelievable views from the pool, always a great time at the villa where we stayed with our American friends!

A surprise, an invitation to a festival in Sona Rosa!
The food was delicious.
The hospitality fabulous.
The music and dancing topped it off! Yes, they even did a Spanish randition of Achey Breaky Heart! Which we (mostly) all joined in for!

Picture Moulin Rouge in Spain and you get the Pirates Theatre! Check this out - the one pirate is actually supported by ONLY his hand, atop the other pirate's HEAD!!

Thursday at Market with the family.

Lluc, where David's dad studied and was in the monestary. This is a sacred place in Mallorca, holding many beautiful stories and artifacts.

Formentor, the northern tip of the island of Mallorca. One of our favorite views!

Rock Jumping at Cales de Mallorca! A beautiful beach off the southeast coast of the island.

A fun day at an ancient Roman aqueduct.

Welcome to Mallorca!

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