
You Are Invited! Yes, YOU!

Many changes have occured the last few years of our lives, and we are sure many changes are happening to you as well. As we look forward to getting married, we want to make sure EVERYONE is aware, you are invite to celebrate with us.

Due to circumstances, you may be able to make it to the Lancaster Farewell party, or the welcome home party in Linesville, OR you may be thinking of that tax return and using it for a few airline tickets to Mallorca, Spain! Whatever you can swing, we are hoping to see you for at least one of the events. But! If you are up for more, that is great too! As the summer months approach, we will be corresponding RSVP's online for the website.

  1. Please sign up for our mailing list (on the website: save a tree!). We will correspond important dates and times as they approach.
  2. Check our website often, and let us know if you are interested in making the trip to Spain... this trip will obviously need a little more planning than the other two events, as we are hosting a week-long vacation (which just so happens to have a wedding packed into it)!
  3. If you are considering making the trip to Mallorca, Spain... Check our web page "Traveling to Spain?" This has a downloadable document which has all the pricing and events detailed for HOTEL GUESTS staying at Sol Alcudia Center.
  4. Lastly, please email us how you are doing, what you think of the site, and any questions you may have. Though this spring will be busy coaching softball, planning the wedding, and all, we do not want to lose touch with you! We are looking forward to hearing all you and your family have going on... so keep us in the loop! We love hearing from you!
Thanks for visiting!! Check out past posts, and the variety of links on our wedding site to catch up on all that has transpired to this point!!!!!!

Jordyn y David