
The Announcing of a Wedding

Today was the first day that we completed a leg of our wedding plans: We mailed our announcement postcards! Jordyn and I rode our mountain bikes (in our second effort to make this a carbon neutral wedding and future for us)to the Lancaster Post Office around 2pm and mailed out the first 190 cards. I'm sure there are more people we are going to give them to (those we inevitably missed)...but the batch is out and with that the wedding is on its way.
We leave for Mallorca in about 72 hours and we couldn't be more excited. We are definitely a little bit nervous and the house is in a frenzy, but we are getting ready to go. Cameras, bathing suits, and sunglasses....what more can we need?! Well, apparently a lot. We're trying to finish up with the clothing and are considering whether the bikes go or not. There is a tremendous opportunity for bicycle tourism on the island and we'd love to take advantage of it, but we are weighing the option of drudging these bike cases through multiple airports.
Anyway, who cares! We'll spend most of the time on the beach or in the clubs anyway. In between, we'll be planning the trip for our wedding guests-- That means you! So stay tuned and tune in often.